email: jordan at jordankraemer dot com
full cv: kraemer_CVF20.pdf
resume: kraemer-resumeF2020.pdf
Ethnographic researcher and anthropologist specializing in technology, design, and UX from a critical perspective; author and writer.
professional experience
Adjunct Professor, Technology, Culture, and Society, NYU Tandon, 2019-present
Research Associate, Implosion Labs, October 2018-October 2019
Visiting Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Wesleyan University, Spring 2016
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan University, 2014-15
courtesy appointments
Associate, NYU Alliance for Public Interest Technology
Visiting Scholar, Anthropology, New York University, 2016-2018
Visiting Fellow, Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan University, 2015-16
PhD, UC Irvine, 2012
Cultural Anthropology
Dissertation: Mobile Berlin: Social Media and the New Europe; advisor: Dr. Tom Boellstorff
MA, University of Chicago, 2005
MAPSS (Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences), concentration in anthropology
Thesis: Beyond the Meaning of Style: Cultural Capital, Social Networks and Youth Subculture; reader: Dr. William Mazzarella
BA, Wesleyan University, 2000
High Honors in Medieval Studies
publications (selected)
forthcoming Mobile City: Emerging Media, Space, and Sociality in Contemporary Berlin. Under contract at Cornell University Press.
journal articles
forthcoming, “The Gender of the Interface: Coding Masculinity, Crafting Femininity among Berlin’s Creative Class.” Accepted at Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience.
2018 “Of Spargel and Spiegel: National Networked Feelings in Berlin.” Anthropological Quarterly 91(4): 1385-1416. Kraemer_2018-preprint.pdf
2014 “Friend or Freund: Social Media and Transnational Connections in Berlin.” Human-Computer Interaction, 29(1), 53–77 (part of a special issue, “Transnational HCI: Humans, Computers and Interactions Considered Globally,” I. Shklovski, J. Vertesi, S. Lindtner, L. Suchman, eds.). Accepted version: jkraemer-friendorfreund-HCI-0613_final (pdf).
book chapters
n.d. The materiality of the virtual in urban space. The Routledge Companion to Media Anthropology. Elisabetta Costa, Patricia G. Lange, Nell Haynes, Jolynna Sinanan, eds. Routledge.
2016 “Locating Emerging Media: Ethnographic Reflections on Culture, Selfhood, and Place.” The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography. Larissa Hjorth, Heather Horst, Anne Galloway, and Genevieve Bell, eds. Invited chapter. Section 4_Jordan Kraemer1JAN-JK0816-accepted.pdf
2015 “Doing Fieldwork, Brb: Locating the field on and with emerging media.” eFieldnotes: the Makings of Anthropology in the Digital World. Roger Sanjek and Susan Tratner, eds. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press: 113–131. Kraemer2016.pdf
book reviews
2017 Reclaiming Media Ideologies. Anthropology Now 9(1): 133-138. Accepted version here: Kraemer-ReclaimingMediaIdeologies-AM-012017 (pdf); originally published online April 27, 2017.
scholarly essays
n.d. “The Gendered Interface: Gender, transnationalism, and social media.” Under review at Global Perspectives: Special Issue on Cross Cultural Feminist Tech. Payal Arora and Rumman Chowdhury, eds.
2018 The Invisible Labor of the Academic Job Market. Invited comment for Cultural Anthropology, online forum on Academic Precarity in American Anthropology, February.
2017 When Social Media are the News. Anthropology News 58(1):42-48. DOI: . Kraemer-2017-Anthropology_News (pdf); originally published online January 2017.
consulting experience
Research consultant, Extended Mind. Social science researcher and interviewer, Nov. 2020-Jan. 2021.
Research lead, Terra Incognita, Civic Signals. Lead researcher conducting a team-based, two-month remote ethnographic study of digital public spaces during COVID-19 across the five boroughs in NYC, overseeing five ethnographic researchers, funded by Civic Signals, with PI Dr. Mona Sloane. June 2020-January 2021.
Lead program evaluator, NYC Digital Safety, Metropolitan New York Library Council. Dec. 2019-present
Research co-lead, Targets of Cyberharassment. Qualitative study and report on new forms of online hate and harassment for the Anti-Defamation League’s Center for Technology and Society, published October, 2019. December 2018-October 2019.
External reviewer, Stronger Communities NYC pilot, City of New York Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs with RAD and the Mozilla Foundation, May-June 2018.
Editorial reviewer, The Art of Screen Time (Public Affairs 2018).
Reviewed book manuscript on parenting and digital media for NPR education correspondent and author Anya Kamenetz.
research experience
Principal Investigator, Divergent Spaces: Digital platforms, gentrification, and neighborhood organizing during COVID-19 in NYC, January 2021-June 2021.
Original fieldwork project on emerging technologies and gentrification in Brooklyn, funded by an SSRC Just Tech COVID-19 Rapid-Response Grant.
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT, Aug. 2014–June 2015
Developed book proposal and manuscript revisions for book on social and mobile media in Berlin; conducted follow-up research in Berlin and Amsterdam; presented new analysis on mobility and mobile technologies as part of the Center for the Humanities “Mobilities” lecture series; organized an invited session on technology and inequality and presented new analysis on cultural difference in social and mobile media for a competitive, peer-reviewed conference; began developing new research on user experience.
teaching experience
Courses taught (selected)
NYU Tandon, Technology, Culture and Society
Queer STS: Queering Technoscience, Spring 2021
Intro FSTEM (Feminist Theory and STEM), Fall 2020, Fall 2019
Digital Ethnography, Spring 2020
Queer(ing) STS: Queer Futures, Spring 2020
Science, Technology, and Society, Fall 2019
STS Queer Values, Queer Futures, Spring 2019
The Brooklyn Institute for Social Research
Queer Studies & Digital Culture, Dec. 2016
Digital Embodiment, June 2016
Critical Design: Interface and Imagination, Feb.-Mar. 2016, Sept. 2016
Life, Digitally: Feminist Studies of Technology, Fall 2015
Wesleyan University
Anthropology of Digital Media and Cultures, seminar, Anthropology, Spring 2016
Ethnographies of Emerging Media, seminar, Center for the Humanities, Fall 2014
public events, talks & workshops
2019 Invited panelist, “Actual Reality: How Digital Spaces Harm and Help,” Anti-Defamation League (ADL) 2019 National Leadership Summit, Washington, D.C., June 2-4.
2018 “Career Strategies for Contingent Faculty.” Workshop at AAA, San Jose, CA, Nov. 15-18.
2018 “Design & Society,” Webinar for Implosion Labs, Brooklyn NY, Oct. 16.
2018 “Collaboration in Theory and Practice,” Panel for Postlight Studio x, New York, June 5.
2016 “Designing and Fostering Safe Online Communities,” Panel at XX+UX @ Tumblr, New York, Dec. 13.
2015 “Media, Society, and Spying for the State” seminar for the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, symposium on Sensitive Data at the Goethe-Institut, New York, NY, Dec. 4-6.
fellowships and awards (selected)
SSRC Just Tech COVID-19 Rapid-Response Grant, for “Divergent Spaces,” 2020-2021
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan University, 2014-15
Public Impact Fellowship, UC Irvine, 2011–2012
DAAD Graduate Scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service, 2009–2010
PAPR@UCI Seed Grant, Intel/UCI People and Practices Research Initiative, Summer 2009
Institute of European Studies Predissertation Fellowship, Univ. of California, Summer 2007
professional activities (selected)
Co-organizer and North American liaison, EASA Media Anthropology Network, 2016-present
Editor, Platypus, The CASTAC (Committee for the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing) Blog, (, 2015-17
Web Producer and Associate Editor, Platypus, The CASTAC Blog (, 2012-2014
Contributor, Anthropology of Social Networking (, 2012
Faculty Advisor, Eclectic Society, Wesleyan University, 2014-15
Editorial Intern, American Anthropologist, Irvine CA, 2010–2011
professional memberships
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing (CASTAC)
Research: Ethnographic research design, methods, and analysis; statistical analysis in SPSS
Computer: DevonThink, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, SPSS, WordPress, HTML/CSS, Photoshop
Languages: German; French